About SDIY.org

This site is a work in progress. If I was being any lamer I'd find an old "Under Construction" icon from 1996 and stick it on here, but I'm trying to reform. Really I am.


Hint : To have your website show up in the auto-generated list below, simply log into your account through the web interface and set your webpage title under "Account Information". The list updates every 10 minutes.

URLWebsite Name
/xyzzyTom's Music Machine Meanderings
/feathermealham rash soaks bone
/philgallogallo magnetix
/forbinForbin the Modular Synth
/ruinRuin Audio DIY
/studio271Studio 271 Productions
/revtorRevtor's WebSapce
/chaoticianSynth Development Log
/rfengRF's Modular Synth
/johnspethJohn Speth SDIY pages
/labolidanano 1 and Tiny Synth
/pengDIY - Parts - Sounds
/tellunTellun Corporation
/bluemoleMichael's brief SDIY Notes
/damianThe newest homepage for D.A.M.I.A.N.
/jorritYet Another DIY Synth Site
/mutetusMutetus' synth diy
/sizoneRidlabs P.R. outpost
/hapybrianBrian's SDIY
/ensignKeiths synth stuff
/antman49443Dan Lavin Synth DIY
/destruktoRyan Williams Synthesizer DIY
/pnwheelerpnw's Synth DIY Site
/colbecklabsColbeck Labs
/cbmChristian's SDIY