Ok. Here are a bunch of pictures and new gathering information I have collected. Warning : These are all 300dpi! The smallest is around 250k and they go up to almost a meg. Personally I'm sick and tired of pulling down crappy scans of things. Especially when the original was pretty bad too.
These boards are pretty dirty, which is why this unit is in pieces on my bench at the moment. I think, however, that with these pictures and Bob Sellon's notes you should be able to trace down most parts of the unit. They really arn't really that complex.
On these boards you'll see some masking tape protecting some parts that were added. I will hand draw whats under there as soon as I get some time. Also you'll note that one slider is unsoldered, had to get it out to clean a large amount of spoo from someone spraying in a cross between Glue and WD40.
I'm very happy to find that the ROM is socketed. I have ordered some blank parts and I just happen to have an eprom programmer that will read these old things so I hope to have a dump soon. This is important as I need figure out all the timing involved so I can replace the digital board entirely. My personal end goal is to replace the digital section with a microcontroller and static RAM. The rest of the unit I will clone as-is with changes to support available parts. The only parts that are irreplacable on these units right now are the Reticon chips and that ROM, and the ROM is at least replacable once we have a dump of it. Some of the other parts are a little hard to find, but there seem to be current production replacements.
It'd be great to know if anyone is even reading this stuff and finding it usefull.
Top ( component side ) of digital board
Section of above but with 2 caps moved
Top ( component side ) of analog board
Hires (300dpi) scan of best analog schematic I have found so far
Hires (300dpi) scan of best digital schematic I have found so far