Simple Electronics Library License

You can distribute this library freely (at no cost or for
a million dollar) as long as you keep images, directory structure
and this notice intact.

You can disassemble the package you obtained Simple and repack
with the methods you like keeping in mind previous paragraph.

If you are planning not to redistribute you can modify images
and directories including deleting to fit your needs.

You can produce any kind of work using Simple, and do with
your work what you wish without need to mention Simple not even
asking for permissions of any kind. This is valid if you have used
modified images and do not go against the final paragraph.

You can translate this text or any piece of text inside the figs
to any language and redistribute it in that way.
I no consider translation as modification.

It is expressly prohibited the use of this library as a medium and/or
a help to develop weapons, and/or weapons auxiliary systems, and/or
any artifact that may cause injuries to any kind of life and/or permanent
damage to the environment.

Simple Electronics Library is copyright 2000 by Fabio Gonzalez.Enable graphics